FRIDAY 19 feb; Colourful Rabbit

After two days of much sleeping I feel a lot better today. Thanks to a cold, I had an good excuse to spend some extra time in bed.

Eleusis woodland

Today was a full day. After breakfast we all took a nice walk in the woods together. We followed the meditation path, past the Artemis Shrine, through the Enchanted Wood, to visit the Kwan Yin Shrine. The total wooded area is 16 hectares and it is amazing how much variety there is in the Eleusis woodland. The woods are divided in six pieces named after godesses. I am now familiar with the areas dedicated to Aphrodite, Eirene, Demeter, and Artemis, but David tells me that there are also areas for Athena-Minerva and for Hera, that I have not seen yet. Each part has its own atmosphere, but, in fact, some of the sections have more than one distinct area within them..


I saw lots of new plants sprouting from the ground and I am wondering which kind of flowers will be flourishing soon. In a few weeks I think there will be hundreds of bluebells in the forest and I am looking forward to taking some pictures.

Colourful rabbit

Near the shrine of Kwan Yin we discovered a colourful rabbit in a hole in a hollow tree...

Today Selena had a special day. We celebrated her fourth birthday. Adam and Selena prepared the birthday cake. Annette and Patrick came for tea bringing presents and we sang happy birthday in English, French and Spanish.

During their visit Patrick made a clever solution for our washing machine problem so that we can use it without flooding our septic tank.


Tomorrow morning after an early breakfast, Susthama, Damian, Selena and Dorian will return home in the UK. Our community will shrink a lot, especially when little Selena is not here any more.


Every morning they have been with us the day starts with the same ritual. The whole family sleeps in the bedroom right above us. Only a wooden floor/ceiling separates the bedrooms. When Selena hears our voices or our coughing in the morning, she yells very loud (I think as loud as she can) “Good morning Dharmavidya!!! waiting for an answer... “Goodmorning Selena”.... following by “Goodmorning Elja!!!... “Good morning Selena” and after a while shouting “I am coming downstairs!!!”


Selena also seems to be a teacher in the making, particularly a teacher of correct and polite English. During her birthday party I let her know that I really wanted some sprinkles on my cake. She let me know that it was not good to say “I want,” so I corrected my question and asked her “Can I have some sprinkles on my cake, please, Selena”. She was quite happy to give me some after my polite question.

To Beat

We finished the day with a spicy dinner, hot curry with cayenne pepper. We are all under the influence of natural blood thinners. On the internet and with the help of some friends we have found lots of information about natural blood thinners. I am as curious as David to hear the new numbers of his next blood test, but as we are all sharing much of his diet, I think maybe we all need testing! I see it as a good challenge to beat the chemical drugs by using the right spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

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