FRIDAY 22nd ~ And it will be good

We are becoming conscious that Modgala is only with us here at La Ville au Roi (Eleusis) for a few more days and during the last 24 hours we have also become aware that Elja will not be coming back for another ten weeks.

It has been a great pleasure having Modgala with us. Her experience as a long standing member of the sangha has brought a special richness to our little community and even though she is now returning to London and many duties and commitments there, she will continue to be part of what happens here in spirit and we shall look forward to welcoming her back before too long. It feels as though she is part of the place.

There is a definite sense that, although we are still just a few people actually physically on this spot, a community of faith and practice is gradually crystalising in ways that transcend our personal plans or ideas. Just as spring is coming outside, so we are experiencing something new emerging. I have felt this strongly in myself just recently and it has added a sense of purpose and direction. The Daily teachings that I have written recently reflect some of this sense of the importance of what is happening here. We are not the makers of our fate. The gods are up to something.

Elja has been given a date for her operation one month from now and will stay in Netherlands during that time in order to participate in pre-operation tests and procedures. This will also give her an opportunity to visit friends and sangha and spend some time on her translation work. During this four weeks she will remain at “the monastery” women’s co-housing scheme where there is a wonderful sense of community.

When she has had her new hip operation she will need to remain in Netherlands another five or six weeks for rehabilitation and convalescence. So that makes more than two months she will be away.

If the relationship between Elja and I were only that of a romance, this would feel more of a challenge, but as her commitment to and involvement in the sangha and the faith and practice is deepening, it feels much less so. Something stronger and more wholesome is occurring. This development in our relationship seems to mirror in a mysterious way the development in the community here.

In Your Hands
I find this sense of being in other hands both fascinating and up-lifting. We do not know what will happen, but whatever is brewing it is definitely something good. Over the years I have spent much time travelling and in such travels the best way to handle things is to just put yourself into other people's hands. My attitude has always been, when I go somewhere, I'm available - use me. People say: Can you lead a retreat? do personal interviews? give talks? do you want to meet people? is this programme alright? I almost always say "Yes". What sort of accommodation do I need? - so long as there is a roof, it's OK. I have found that this approach works. Great acceptance gets one into all sorts of situations and one is all the time learning and growing. Then when the big ones come along - as when I nearly died earlier this year - it's OK - I can say to Death, I'm here, do what you like, I'm sure it will be good, one way or another.

So that is what I feel about the sangha at the moment. I'll play my part and things will unfold and it will be good. People come and go and everybody is on their path, but we are also all on a bigger path, all somehow part of the Tao of the situation. And it will be good.

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  • Great that Modgala could stay that long. I hope Elja's operation is successful.

    It's inspiring to read that you would be able to say yes to death with enthusiasm. Not something you read everyday, so it is refreshing because it puts things into perspective.
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  • Yes, Namo Amida Bu

    Elja Stoel said:

    Beautiful. Namo Amida Bu <3

  • Beautiful. Namo Amida Bu <3

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