MONDAY 22 feb; Sweet and Sticky

This morning I started the day outside in the garden again, cutting blackthorn and bramble. This part of the field is more difficult to cut then the part I did yesterday. Bramble bush can be quite a challenge to cut. The long bits seems to attack you once in a while.

Male and Female 

Do you know that bramble bush has male and female parts? I didn't know till David told me. Once you know this you can easily recognise the female and male parts of the bramble bush. The female branches are flowering and carrying fruits, the male branches are long and curve over the top and seem to grow in a aggressive way - these are the bits that always seems to attack you when you are cutting bramble bush. And the thorns are meaner then the thorns of blackthorn.

But I enjoyed my self-chosen task outside anyway. There is no time, or production pressure. The birds, especially several kind of tits are chirping loudly, announcing spring and the fact that they have found their territory and are watching for an attractive female. The view of the waving bamboo close by is lovely.


Working outside always feel like a cure. Sometimes I feel miserable and sad about things from my recent past. The garden and woods always seems to heal my mind; a strong medicine for the heart. I do believe that the nature of Eleusis has strong healing qualities.

While I was working outside the male community members did their tasks inside the house. David was writing and Adam cleaned the kitchen floor. Later David got out and cut some bramble himself in a different part of the site.

Yesterday I worked outside in the garden in the morning and afternoon, today my body told me that I had to choose another task for the afternoon. We have still lots of walnuts from our walnut tree from last autumn. I decided to make a walnut pie... and that was not a bad idea! The pie was nice, unhealthy, sweet and sticky, mmmmm.

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  • This pie looks delicious..mmmmm.  I am very much enjoying your posts, Elja. Your sincerity, kindness and open heart shine brightly through your writing, and my heart is always touched. Thank you.  Namo Amida Bu.

    PS- Daffodils? We still have a blanket of snow in London Ont. :)

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