SATURDAY 23 Apr ~ Hieronymus, Voltaire and Els

This afternoon one of the women of the monastery, Els asked me to go with her to the cafe Voltaire, in the center of Den Bosch, for a cup of coffee. Yes, good idea. From the moment I arrived at the monastery Els and I have felt connected and we talk and share a lot. So off we went. First we went to the library to rent a movie. At the tempo like two snails we walked through the streets. Els walks slowly because she limps a bit because of a stroke from years ago and she can't use one arm and here speaking takes a bit more time then average and I limp a bit because of my painful hip.


In the library we choose a film to watch to night. She had to pay for it with the special library card through a computer. There was not enough money on it, so she had to charge her card first, before we could use it. But instead of that, she said in a cheerful way “Lets go the reception, I am disabled so they will help me anyway”. We laughed and, yes, we could pay at the reception and very soon we were on our way to the bus that would take us for free through Den Bosch in the direction of the cafe.

Hieronymus Bosch and Voltaire

I am surprised: a free bus ride through the center of Den Bosch. In the bus we are sitting among tourists and near the Jeroen Bosch museum lots of people leave the bus. Everything in den Bosh at the moment is centred on Hieronymus Bosch and the big exhibition. I think the free bus is a treat from Den Bosch for all the worldwide visitors to the museum. Wonderful! I am a tourist too and Els is my guide in my rediscovery of the city.

We arrive at cafe Voltaire. A small cafe, completely full with people. Only non-alcohol drinks are served. They organise all kind of activities. It looks a bit like a small living room. This cafe has already existed for 30 years, more than 20 of them with the same owner - Ria. You can eat here - only vegetarian and vegan meals - and it is allowed to bring your own food and to eat it too. This cafe really has its own philosophy. From the moment we enter the cafe I hear voices calling 'Hello Els!'. Immediately some chairs are moving and before I know it we are sitting at a table with a family and their already grown up children. Els is sharing nice big biscuits she had bought at a bakery a few minutes before.

Buddhas and hang drums

We spent a nice one and half hour and then went on to the supermarket. But on our way we pass a beautiful Buddha-shop. I know the shop and the owner a bit and I know he plays the hang drum. I like the sound of hang drum very much. It hypnotises me a bit and I have the feeling of floating in the music when I listen to it. It is lovely to sit in this beautiful shop surrounded by Buddha and Quan Yin statues and to listen to how the owner is playing on the hang drum. So we went in and he gave a short concert while Els and I sat together in one chair.

Spiritual Vagueness

Els is listening with interest to my stories about my life at Eleusis. And she wants to join me on Monday when I go to my old sangha in Den Bosch. One moment she said to me: “I am not spiritual at all. Spiritual people are a bit vague, I am too no nonsense for it. Do I disappoint you now?” I smile at her and say: “Yes very much”. And I asked her why she is living in a monastery with only women who are having a strong interest in spirituality and why she spent her afternoon with me, who has aspiration to become a Buddhist priest. She is laughing. And I say to her that I think she is very spiritual.

But in fact I don't know what it means 'to be spiritual'. When I think about it, it says nothing at all, and yes it sounds quite vague, but what I very much enjoy in Els is her openness and direct authentic way of communicating. We don't need a lot of words to understand each other.

Els: Do you want to visit this shop?

Me: No, I don't want to go in there.

Els: O

Me: Oh, you want to go in there?

Els: smile; Yes

Me: O, nice way to tell me.

Both: laughing.

Me: Lets go visit this shop.

From the concert, we go to the supermarket and the bus home to the monastary. A lovely afternoon with a new friend.

This morning when I read the daily from David I realised for the first time that I am away from Eleusis and David for 10 weeks. It was confronting and it is quite a long time. But I feel strongly connected with him and my homebase in France. And I feel faith and joy. Good things are happening.

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