Our little birds have left the nest. It is empty now. They have joined the dozens of other ones that loop around our years and fly through the refectory, in one end and out the other. I guess they are all hearing stories about Africa and chasing the other fledglings around getting strong enough for the journey.
I spent another morning on Dogen. Rewarding as ever. It is often revealing to go back to the Chinese original and paintakingly work through it. Alot os not what it at first seems.
It has been another hot day. We continue to harvest tomatoes and courgettes. The roses go on blooming and now we have some amazing dahlia flowers too. Work in the Aphrodite field is complete for now. It looks splendid. With the birds flown we can now get back to working on the downstairs of the barn. We put it aside to give them some peace.
By the time I have got all my evening jobs done - watering, closing up, making sure everything is put away.- it is about time for bed.