WEDNESDAY 27 July - Time Flies


Yesterday we collected Jan from the train so there are noe four of us here and already it feels like a well integrated community as though she had been here for months. We have all been out working today, weeding the strawberry patch, shredding small wood and weeds to make mulch for the strawberries, felling a dead elm tree and bringing back and sawing up the wood, fixing the first shelving in the new metal cabin, moving all the garden tools into the cabin, gradually clearing parts of the end section of the barn. It has been a hot day but not as scorching as some recently. At the end of the day's work I was happy to have a tepid shower to wash off the grime and cool down.


We have been having discussions recently about the possibility of making the commentary on the Summary of Faith and Practice into a small book. This will not happen any time soon, but it is another good plan to have in the pipeline. In the meantime I am still working on my Dogen text. Elja is also reading it. Jan has come here partly as a writing retreat too so we are a bit of a writers co-op at the moment.

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