Course One Day One

We had introductory exercises - getting to know one another and sharing motivations for being on the course. Also, reflecting upon these communications.


The morning lecture was structured around the Pali Buddhist notion of Adhipati (translated as "predominance" in the Zen Therapy book). Here we took these characteristics as the prime features needed by a therapist.

chandra – intention - positive regard: deep respect
- unconditionality: safe space
virya – energy - matching – tuning in to the energy of the client
- deepening – sensing the full pathos of the life of the client
chitta – attention - acute: attention to every little change
- broad: attention to the context and meaning
vimamsa – enquiry - construction: investigation without leading, imaginative empathy
- induction: flowing into the clients world

Life as a dialectic between love and freedom. Coming into this life we are bound to love (people, things, ideas, projects, etc) and this engagement with the conditioned world enmeshes us in problems, tests and obstacles. At the same time, we experience freedom which also brings problems of choice and anxiety. Buddhism can be thought of in terms of prajna and karuna - wisdom/liberation and love/compassion. The therapist gives the client the freedom to investigate his life project.

Question & Answer

Q: What is relation between freedom and love?

A: Freedom is the state of living in prajna. Love/compassion is karuna. These manifest as upaya - skilful means. We can see how prajna, karuna and upaya - freedom, love and work - feed each other and express each other.

Q: When a client is expressing endless negativity, I find myself trying to cheer them up. Then I notice that is what I am doing and stop. What else could I do?

A: We explored the various scenarios that might be going on - games that go on in therapy. Why is the client saying this to me? Why me? Why now? what impression is he trying to make and what is the motivation for that? Does he want me to believe that he is incapable? Does he want sympathy? Does he feel ashamed? etc.

Q: In families, the best therapy can be non-therapy.

A: Yes, families are a different situation because of the long history that people have with one another and the complicated dynamics. It is mostly not wise to try to be therapist for your relatives. Sometimes, however, it is good to be a confidante (but if you receive secrets, what are you going to do with them?).

Counselling exercises in threes

Energy modes - client engaged with therapist, client in his own world, client disengaged from the work.

Questions are usually based on a hunch and the hunch is based on an observation. Rather than ask the question it may be better to share the hunch and rather than share the hunch it may be better to share the observation. If this is done in a non-judgemental way, the client can find his own explanation.

Counsellor meeting client is likely to experience some emotion. The necessary skill is to notice and inquire into this feeling rather than to act it out. "That's interesting, meeting this client I feel angry/frightened/sad/ bored/happy/ etc... I wonder what is happening to give me that feeling." There will be a reason behind the feeling. The reason may be something in the client or something in the counsellor but is probably some combination of the two. If we take an interest in it it will tell us important information about the client and about the relationship.

Therapy demonstration

Client talked about relationship with daughter.

Examples of "cutting in" in order to express strong empathy.

Getting into the flow of the client's emotion; imaginatively experiencing the position of the various members of the family; sympathy for all positions gives force to the sense of anguish; the anguish is the client's koan; "walking alongside" the client in this dilemma, without judgement or pressure, but with energy.

Don't get bogged down in "the problem". Work with the strengths as much as with the weakness, then the weakness does not become a barrier but rather an expression of common humanity and builds a bridge between client and therapist.

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  • Korean Translation by Jaesung Kim

    2017.0807 Course One Day One


    We had introductory exercises - getting to know one another and sharing motivations for being on the course. Also, reflecting upon these communications.


    우리는 입문적인 실습을 했습니다. – 서로를 알아가는 것과 이 워크숍 과정 오게 된 동기를 나누는 것. 또한 이러한 대화를 돌아보는 것.


    The morning lecture was structured around the Pali Buddhist notion of Adhipati (translated as "predominance" in the Zen Therapy book). Here we took these characteristics as the prime features needed by a therapist.


    아침 강의는 아디빠띠(Adhipati)라는 빨리(Pali) 불교 개념(선치료 책에서 "지배"로 번역 됨)을 둘러싸고 구조화되었습니다. 여기에서 우리는 이러한 특징들을 치료사가 필요로 하는 주요 특징으로 삼았습니다.


    chanda – intention - positive regard: deep respect

    - unconditionality: safe space

    virya – energy - matching – tuning in to the energy of the client

    - deepening – sensing the full pathos of the life of the client

    chitta – attention - acute: attention to every little change

    - broad: attention to the context and meaning

    vimamsa – enquiry - construction: investigation without leading, imaginative empathy

    - induction: flowing into the clients world



    찬다 – 의도 - 긍정적 존중 : 깊은 존경

    - 무조건성 : 안전한 공간

    위리야 – 에너지 – 매칭 – 내담자의 에너지로 주의 돌리기

    - 심화 – 내담자의 삶 전체 감성을 감지하기

    칫따 – 주의

    - 세밀한 의미 : 모든 작은 변화에 대한 주의

    - 넓은 의미 : 맥락과 의미에 대한 주의

    위맘사 - 탐구 – 건설 : 이끌지 않는 탐색, 상상하는 공감

    - 유도 : 내담자의 세계 속으로 흘러 들어감


    Life as a dialectic between love and freedom. Coming into this life we are bound to love (people, things, ideas, projects, etc) and this engagement with the conditioned world enmeshes us in problems, tests and obstacles. At the same time, we experience freedom which also brings problems of choice and anxiety. Buddhism can be thought of in terms of prajna and karuna - wisdom/liberation and love/compassion. The therapist gives the client the freedom to investigate his life project.


    사랑과 자유 사이의 변증법으로서의 삶. 이 인생에 올 때, 우리는 (사람, 사물, 생각, 프로젝트 등을) 사랑해야만 하며, 조건화된 세계와의 이 참여는 문제, 테스트 및 장애물속으로 우리를 인도합니다. 동시에 우리는 선택과 불안의 문제를 가져다주는 자유를 경험합니다. 불교는 쁘라즈냐와 자비 – 지혜/해방과 사랑/연민의 관점에서 생각될 수 있습니다. 치료사는 내담자에게 자신의 인생 프로젝트를 탐색할 자유를 줍니다.



    Question & Answer Session 질문 및 답변 세션


    Q: What is relation between freedom and love?

    자유와 사랑의 관계는 무엇입니까?


    A: Freedom is the state of living in prajna. Love/compassion is karuna. These manifest as upaya - skilful means. We can see how prajna, karuna and upaya - freedom, love and work - feed each other and express each other.

    자유란 프라쥬나 속에서 살아가는 상태입니다. 사랑/연민은 카루나입니다. 이것들은 upaya – 능숙한 수단(방편)으로 나타납니다. 우리는 prajna(지혜), karuna(자비), upaya(방편) - 자유, 사랑, 일 –이 서로 보살피고 서로 표현하는 방식을 볼 수 있습니다.


    Q: When a client is expressing endless negativity, I find myself trying to cheer them up. Then I notice that is what I am doing and stop. What else could I do?

    Q : 고객이 끝없이 부정적인 것을 표현할 때, 나는 그들 격려하려고 노력하는 자신을 발견합니다. 그 때 나는 내가 하고 있는 일을 알아차렸고 멈추었습니다. 내가 무엇을 할 수 있습니까?


    A: We explored the various scenarios that might be going on - games that go on in therapy. Why is the client saying this to me? Why me? Why now? what impression is he trying to make and what is the motivation for that? Does he want me to believe that he is incapable? Does he want sympathy? Does he feel ashamed? etc.

    A : 우리는 진행될 수 있는 다양한 시나리오, 즉 치료에서 진행되는 게임을 탐구했습니다. 왜 내담자가 나에게 이 말을 하는 것일까? 왜 나야? 왜 지금? 그는 어떤 인상을 주려고하는 것일까? 그리고 그 동기는 무엇일까? 그는 자신이 능력이 없다고 내가 믿길 바라는 것인가? 그는 동정을 원할까? 그는 부끄러워하는가? 등등



    Q: In families, the best therapy can be non-therapy.


    Q : 가족 중에는, 가장 좋은 치료법은 비치료일 수 있다.


    A: Yes, families are a different situation because of the long history that people have with one another and the complicated dynamics. It is mostly not wise to try to be therapist for your relatives. Sometimes, however, it is good to be a confidant (but if you receive secrets, what are you going to do with them?).


    A : 그렇습니다. 사람들은 서로 오랜 역사를 지녔고 복잡한 역동성 때문에 가족들은 다른 상황에 처해 있습니다. 친척들에게 치료사가 되려고 하는 것은 대부분 현명하지 않습니다. 그러나 때로는 막역한 친구가 되는 것이 좋습니다(그러나 비밀을 알게 되면, 당신은 무엇을 할 것입니까?).



    Counselling exercises in threes

    3인 상담 실습


    Energy modes - client engaged with therapist, client in his own world, client disengaged from the work.

    에너지 모드 – 내담자가 치료사와 함께할 때, 내담자는 그 자신의 세계 안에 있고, 내담자는 작업에서 벗어납니다.


    Questions are usually based on a hunch and the hunch is based on an observation. Rather than ask the question it may be better to share the hunch and rather than share the hunch it may be better to share the observation. If this is done in a non-judgemental way, the client can find his own explanation.


    질문은 일반적으로 직감을 기반으로 하고 직감은 관찰을 기반으로 합니다. 질문을 하기보다는 오히려 직감을 공유하는 것이 더 좋을 수도 있고 직감을 공유하는 것보다는 관찰을 공유하는 것이 더 나을 수도 있습니다. 하지만 이것을 비판단적적인 방식으로 수행하면, 내담자는 자기 자신의 설명을 찾을 수 있습니다.


    Counsellor meeting client is likely to experience some emotion. The necessary skill is to notice and inquire into this feeling rather than to act it out. "That's interesting, meeting this client I feel angry/frightened/sad/ bored/happy/ etc... I wonder what is happening to give me that feeling." There will be a reason behind the feeling. The reason may be something in the client or something in the counsellor but is probably some combination of the two. If we take an interest in it it will tell us important information about the client and about the relationship.


    상담자가 내담자를 만나는 것은 어떤 감정을 경험하는 것과 같습니다. 필요한 기법은 행동을 취하기보다는 이 느낌을 알아차리고 탐구하는 것입니다. "그것 참 흥미있네, 내가 이 내담자를 만나면, 나는 화가 나거나/두려워하거나/슬프거나/지루하거나/ 행복하게 느낀다. 무엇이 나에게 이런 느낌을 들게 하는지 궁금하다." 그러한 느낌 뒤에는 이유가 있을 것입니다. 그 이유는 내담자이거나 상담자이거나 두 사람의 어떤 조합 속에 있을 수 있습니다. 우리가 그것에 흥미를 가지면, 그것은 내담자에 관해서 그리고 관계에 관해서 중요한 정보를 우리에게 말해줄 것입니다.


    Therapy demonstration 치료 시연


    Client talked about relationship with daughter.

    Examples of "cutting in" in order to express strong empathy.

    내담자는 딸과의 관계에 대해 이야기했습니다.

    강한 공감을 표현하기 위한 "예리한" 예.


    Getting into the flow of the client's emotion; imaginatively experiencing the position of the various members of the family; sympathy for all positions gives force to the sense of anguish; the anguish is the client's koan; "walking alongside" the client in this dilemma, without judgement or pressure, but with energy.


    Don't get bogged down in "the problem". Work with the strengths as much as with the weakness, then the weakness does not become a barrier but rather an expression of common humanity and builds a bridge between client and therapist.


    내담자의 감정의 흐름으로 들어가기. 상상력으로 가족의 다양한 구성원의 위치를 ​​경험합니다. 모든 위치에 대한 동정은 고뇌감에 힘을 줍니다. 고뇌는 내담자의 공안 koan입니다; 판단이나 압력 없이, 에너지와 함께, 이 딜레마 속에서 고객과 함께 걷습니다.


    "문제" 속에 빠지지 마십시오. 약점과 만큼이나 강점과 함께 작업하면, 약점은 장벽이 아니라 일반적인 인간성의 표현이며, 내담자와 치료자 사이의 다리가 됩니다. 

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