A place to discuss therapy and personal growth, health, wholeness, and transformation of the psyche. If you are seriously interested in Buddhist Psychology & Psychotherapy, you can apply to join the companion ning site https://buddhistpsychology.ning.com/
Today the ITZI Support Group discussed the theme "The Wounded Healer" Points that came up included some people become healers because they are wounded being wounded may intensify sympathy and empathy but may also lead one to project one’s problems onto others some people get wounded by the system that they work in as healers or by the stress of working with wounded people does the healer have a duty to overcome his woundedness? is overcoming woundedness actually a central part of the process…
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this Serapis space is very interesting. I was wandering if it would be possible to dedicate a corner of it to group practices that are not explicitly "therapeutic" but have very much to do with curing and healing as they help people to re-think their ways of living and working and to open new paths of individual and meta-individual understanding.
I recently carried out a group counseling intervention in an ICT company with colleagues of mine. It was not easy but in the end it was a success. Very rewarding. It is probably an example of the kind of new therapeusis (how to call it?) that I would like to reflect about. Maybe it has something to do with Rogers' groups (but some research would be necessary for better focusing differences and similarities).
The video (link below) has been produced by one of the participants in the intervention. He presented it in the last day of the intervention, in which we invited the participants to bring something which could symbolically witness the meaning for each one of the many hours spent together. He used many key words we suggested during the intervention.