Course Two: Day One (6th day of summer training)

In this course we are working with the text Jewel Mirror Samadhi Song. This text can be interpreted in many ways. We are going to look at it in the perspective of counselling and psychotherapy. These notes should therefore be taken in conjunction with the text and commentary.


We began with some introductions. In particular looking at what we each need to advance our skill and understanding. There is a value in continually reviewing and assessing one’s ‘learning edge”. What do I need to learn now? What kind of clients do I find it easy/difficult to work with? What does that tell me about myself as a counsellor? Or about myself in life? We are all vulnerable to the paralysis that comes from self-consciousness. We have all got habits of communication, learnt from our socialisation, that may not be optimum for counselling. We have inhibitions about particular emotions, particular issues, particular types of relationship. To counsel effectively we need flexibility. There are many kinds of people, many kinds of psychological issue, many styles of approaching counselling.
Because something works with one client does not mean that it will necessarily work with the next one.

The Title: Jewel Mirror Samadhi Song

What is meant by jewel mirror samadhi? Samadhi is concentration, so a state in which one is not scattered nor distracted. When one is not distracted by personal attachments one can be wholly concentrated upon the other. Thus the state of the therapist is a kind of samadhi. When this is the case, the inside of the therapist is, in a certain way, dark, just like the back of a mirror. Because I am shining my light upon the client and his world and not illumining my own concerns, I become a kind of mirror. This is an automatic effect. The mirror is a mechanism with no moving parts. I am not trying to be a mirror and not exercising a technique called reflection. Simply, because I am “dark” inside, all my attention going to the client, I can’t help being a mirror. In as much as this really is the case, I become an instance of the mythical mani jewel: the treasure that responds to just what the client needs.

Fishbowl Session

Client talked about getting old, having limited time and the difficulty of making the best decisions. We talked about counselling technique
- how to get beyond just being polite
- how to get in earlier, quicker
- what to do with theories and hunches
- how to express strong feelings one has as counsellor either (a) due to resonance with the feelings of the client or (b) due to the love and care one feels for the client.
- when to share one’s own personal feelings about an issue,
- what happens when one responds spontaneously

The mirror does not wait until it has built up a theory. It responds immediately and then moves on. It gives something back straight away, but does not hold on to it. It is free to receive the next impression.


We looked at the first five lines of the text, as per the commentary. The emphasis here is upon improving our ability to read the spontaneous signs and stay with the reality as it is, irrespective of what it may be and whether we fully understand it or not. The counsellor is often well advised the respond even before having complete understanding. the client needs signs that he has been heard and that the therapist is trying hard to stay with him even before the therapist really understands. “The meaning is not in the words, it is in the spontaneous response” works in both directions. The therapist understands things from the involuntary movements, tone of voice, signs of emotion and so on of the client; but it is also true that the client knows whether or not the therapist is with him, empathic, honest, and so on, from similar signs. If the therapist is impassive, she cannot be a functioning mirror for the client.

The text also says “Now you have it so guard well.” Everything that is needed appears at the right time. At every point in the therapy, the client has already given everything that the counsellor actually needs. If we feel stuck or confused it is because there is something one has not listened to properly or not observed carefully enough. If this is the case, it is probably because one has had too strong a fixed idea which is blinding us to seeing evidence that tells us something different.

Counselling Practice in Threes

Counsellor, client, observer. 15 minute sessions followed by feedback.

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  • Counselling Practice in Threes

    Counsellor, client, observer. 15 minute sessions followed by feedback. 

    3명 상담 실습

    상담자, 내담자, 관찰자 15분 상담 세션 뒤 피드백 토론

  • 20170814 Course Two Day One (6th day of summer training)

    Posted by David Brazier on August 14, 2017 at 9:14 in KOREA 2017



    Translated into Korean by Jaesung Kim

    한글번역 : 김재성


    In this course we are working with the text Jewel Mirror Samadhi Song. This text can be interpreted in many ways. We are going to look at it in the perspective of counselling and psychotherapy. These notes should therefore be taken in conjunction with the text and commentary.

    이 과정에서 우리는 보석 거울 삼매가(寶鏡三昧歌)이라는 텍스트로 작업하고 있습니다. 이 텍스트는 여러 면에서 해석 될 수 있습니다. 우리는 상담과 심리 치료의 관점에서 그것을 보게 될 것입니다. 따라서 이 주석은 본문 및 해설과 함께 이해해야합니다.


    Introduction 소개

    We began with some introductions. In particular looking at what we each need to advance our skill and understanding. There is a value in continually reviewing and assessing one’s ‘learning edge”. What do I need to learn now? What kind of clients do I find it easy/difficult to work with? What does that tell me about myself as a counsellor? Or about myself in life? We are all vulnerable to the paralysis that comes from self-consciousness. We have all got habits of communication, learnt from our socialisation, that may not be optimum for counselling. We have inhibitions about particular emotions, particular issues, particular types of relationship. To counsel effectively we need flexibility. There are many kinds of people, many kinds of psychological issue, many styles of approaching counselling.

    Because something works with one client does not mean that it will necessarily work with the next one.

    우리는 몇 가지 소개로 시작했습니다. 특히 우리 모두가 우리의 기법과 이해를 향상시키기 위해 필요한 것을 살펴보십시오. 자신의 '배움의 경계선'를 지속적으로 검토하고 평가하는 것은 가치가 있습니다. 내가 지금 배울 필요가 있는 것은 무엇인가? 어떤 종류의 내담자가 함께 작업하기가 쉽거나 / 어렵다는 것을 발견하는가? 상담자로서 내 자신에 대해서 말해주는 것은 무엇인가? 아니면 인생에서 나 자신에 대해 (말해주는 것은 무엇인가)? 우리는 모두 자기-의식에서 오는 마비에 취약합니다. 우리는 모두 사회화를 통해 습득한 의사소통 습관을 가지고있어 상담에 적합하지 않을 수 있습니다. 우리는 특정 감정, 특정 문제, 특정 유형의 관계에 대한 금지를 가지고 있습니다. 효과적으로 상담하기 위해서는 유연성이 필요합니다. 많은 종류의 사람들, 많은 종류의 심리적 문제, 많은 스타일의 상담에 접근하고 방법이 있습니다.

    한 내담자와 함께 작업이 된 것이 반드시 다음 내담자와 작업이 된다는 것을 의미하지는 않습니다.


    The Title: Jewel Mirror Samadhi Song


    What is meant by jewel mirror samadhi? Samadhi is concentration, so a state in which one is not scattered nor distracted. When one is not distracted by personal attachments one can be wholly concentrated upon the other. Thus the state of the therapist is a kind of samadhi. When this is the case, the inside of the therapist is, in a certain way, dark, just like the back of a mirror. Because I am shining my light upon the client and his world and not illumining my own concerns, I become a kind of mirror. This is an automatic effect. The mirror is a mechanism with no moving parts. I am not trying to be a mirror and not exercising a technique called reflection. Simply, because I am “dark” inside, all my attention going to the client, I can’t help being a mirror. In as much as this really is the case, I become an instance of the mythical mani jewel: the treasure that responds to just what the client needs.


    제목 : 보석 거울 삼매가

    보석 거울 삼매는 무엇을 의미합니까? 삼매(Samadhi)는 집중이므로 흩어지거나 산만해지지 않은 상태입니다. 우리가 개인적 집착에 의해 주의가 산만해지지 않는다면, 우리는 타자에게 온전히 집중할 수 있습니다. 따라서 치료자의 상태는 일종의 삼매입니다. 이 경우 치료자의 내부는 마치 거울 뒤에 있는 것처럼 어둡게 됩니다. 나(치료자)는 내 빛을 내담자와 그의 세계에 비추고 내 자신의 관심을 밝히지 않기 때문에, 나는 일종의 거울이 된다. 이것은 자동적인 효과입니다. 거울은 움직이지 않는 기제입니다. 나는 거울이 되려고 노력하지 않고, 반사라는 기법을 사용하지 않으려고 하지 않습니다. 간단히 말해서, 내가 "어두운" 내부에 있기 때문에, 모든 관심이 내담자에게 가고, 나는 거울이 되지 않을 수 없습니다. 이것이 진실로 그런 것처럼 나는 신화적인 마니 보주의 사례가 됩니다. 바로 내담자가 필요로 하는 것에 응답하는 보석입니다.



    Fishbowl Session 어항 세션 (학생이 위주가 된 상담 시연)


    Client talked about getting old, having limited time and the difficulty of making the best decisions. We talked about counselling technique

    - how to get beyond just being polite

    - how to get in earlier, quicker

    - what to do with theories and hunches

    - how to express strong feelings one has as counsellor either (a) due to resonance with the feelings of the client or (b) due to the love and care one feels for the client.

    - when to share one’s own personal feelings about an issue,

    - what happens when one responds spontaneously

    내담자는 나이 들어, 한정된 시간만 남아있고, 가장 좋은 결정을 내리는 데 어려움을 겪고 있음을 이야기했습니다. 우리는 상담 기법에 대해 이야기했습니다.

    - 정중한 태도를 넘어서는 법

    - 더 일찍, 빨리 들어가는 법

    - 이론과 직감으로 하는 상담

    - (a) 내담자의 감정과 공명하기 때문에 또는 (b) 내담자에 대해 느끼는 사랑과 보살핌으로 인해 상담자로서 가지고 있는 강한 감정을 표현하는 방법.

    - 문제에 대한 자신의 개인적인 감정을 공유할 때,

    - 자발적으로 반응할 때 일어나는 일


    The mirror does not wait until it has built up a theory. It responds immediately and then moves on. It gives something back straight away, but does not hold on to it. It is free to receive the next impression.

    거울은 이론을 세울 때까지 기다리지 않습니다. 즉시 응답한 다음 계속 진행합니다. 그것은 곧바로 뭔가를 되돌려 주지만, 그것을 붙잡지 않습니다. 그것은 다음 인상을 받기 위해 자유롭습니다.



    We looked at the first five lines of the text, as per the commentary. The emphasis here is upon improving our ability to read the spontaneous signs and stay with the reality as it is, irrespective of what it may be and whether we fully understand it or not. The counsellor is often well advised the respond even before having complete understanding. the client needs signs that he has been heard and that the therapist is trying hard to stay with him even before the therapist really understands. “The meaning is not in the words, it is in the spontaneous response” works in both directions. The therapist understands things from the involuntary movements, tone of voice, signs of emotion and so on of the client; but it is also true that the client knows whether or not the therapist is with him, empathic, honest, and so on, from similar signs. If the therapist is impassive, she cannot be a functioning mirror for the client.


    우리는 해설에 따라 본문의 처음 다섯 행을 보았다. 여기서 강조점은 자발적 징후를 읽는 능력을 향상시키는 데 있으며, 그것이 무엇이 될 수 있는지 여부와 우리가 완전히 이해하는지 여부와 관계없이 실재와 함께 머뭅니다. 상담자는 종종 완전한 이해를 갖기 전에도 반응을 잘 알려줍니다. 내담자는 듣고 치료자가 정말로 이해하기 전에 그와 함께 있으려고 노력하고 있다는 징후를 필요로 합니다. "의미는 말 속에서 나타내지 않고, 자발적인 반응 속에 있다."는 것은 양방향으로 작용한다. 치료자는 고객의 무의식적인 움직임, 목소리의 톤, 감정의 흔적 등으로부터 상황(things)을 이해합니다. 그러나 내담자는 치료자가 자신과 비슷한 징후를 가지고 그와 함께 있는지, 공감적인지, 정직한지 등과 같은 사실을 아는 것도 진실입니다. 치료자가 무감각하다며, 치료자는 환자를 위해 기능하는 거울이 될 수 없습니다.


    The text also says “Now you have it so guard well.” Everything that is needed appears at the right time. At every point in the therapy, the client has already given everything that the counsellor actually needs. If we feel stuck or confused it is because there is something one has not listened to properly or not observed carefully enough. If this is the case, it is probably because one has had too strong a fixed idea which is blinding us to seeing evidence that tells us something different.

    본문은 또한 "이제 너는 그것을 가지고 있으니 잘 지켜라."라고 말합니다. 필요한 모든 것이 적시에 나타납니다. 치료의 모든 시점에서 내담자는 이미 상담자가 실제로 필요로 하는 모든 것을 제공했습니다. 우리가 막혀있거나 혼란스럽게 느낀다면, 제대로 듣지 않았거나 충분히 주의깊게 관찰되지 않은 것이 있기 때문입니다. 이 경우라면, 아마도 우리가 너무 강한 고정 관념을 가지고 있기 때문에 그 관념이 우리가 다른 것을 말해주는 증거를 보는 것을 가리고 있는 것입니다.

    Course Two: Day One (6th day of summer training)
    In this course we are working with the text Jewel Mirror Samadhi Song. This text can be interpreted in many ways. We are going to look at it in the p…
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