This is a place for posting haiku.

A haiku is a 17 syllable poem, generally consisting of three lines with 5-7-5 syllables respectively. Normally the final line gives a twist or "turn" to the meaning or makes a reference to the season of the year. Traditionally, in Japan, haiku were often about the moon, clouds, cherry blossom, the wonders of nature, especially anything beautiful yet transient, which could also be symbolic reference to some spiritual experience. Modern haiku can be about almost anything, but the brief, succinct form does work better for some things than others and the "turn" can be the all important element.

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  • Hot and humid air

    forms tallest cloud never seen

    pours refreshing water drops

  • Like a secret love,
    scent that defies location
    - hidden night flower.

  • New grass is joyful

    Mist cloud decending to earth

    Rainy grey dawn day

    Frogs splash, glide, swim

    No detachment in nature

    Wind pond dragonfly

  • Waterfall rainbow,
    turning rocks to paradise,
    lend me your bright wand.

    As I saw the wood
    nembutsu prayers ascend
    and sweet saw dust falls.

    I walk in the woods,
    Deep, deep in nature's refuge.
    Autumn is coming.

  • On my to-do list,
    only: revise the old list
    and make a new one

  • Vicissitudes rule
    Fools dance on tiny objects
    Poking, picking, gone

    . . . . . . .

    Counted syllables this time. . . 5.7.5

  • Soft nose, bright eye flash
    Slipping through the high branches
    With tail of silver
  • Mischievous moonlight
    - what an old fox it can be:
    counterfeit silver.

  • Thanks Kaspalita, I had never really thought about the translation difficulty. A conundrum. I love the haiku of the fox

    Sounds making words
    Evoke more than mere meaning
    Fox in soft moonlight
  • Did I get it wrong
    - the syllabic conundrum?
    Five's never enough!

    The last line's a twist.
    After the hint of a theme,
    already, it's lost.

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