Here is a poem I had published a while ago...


A longing calls me westward along the pilgrim trail;
a pilgrim hood I’ll have and a staff and donkey friend,
a metal cup to scoop spring water for sweet ale
and strong boots for walking to the end.

Toward the setting sun, with hope upon my heart,
I’ll stroll into vermillion against a sky of limpid blue;
as the pale moon cares for the region I depart
wayside forget-me-nots will keep me true.

It is an angel takes me there, she of the evening tide,
when work is done, heart is free, I hear her call
and dreams come of waltzing, donkey at my side,
as we’ve dreamt since we first did fall.

19 December 2007
Strine Moor Retreat, Yorkshire
Published in De Numine, September 2008

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