NO PEARL WITHOUT GRIT: The psychology of suffering and awakening

Buddhism and therapy are both centrally concerned with the problem of suffering and the challenges involved in arriving at a liberation of mind and an awakening to new possibilities. In addressing this theme we can share many perspectives, methods and theories that seek to bring together the insights of Buddhism with the anxieties, tragedies and opportunities of modern life. Following upon the first two successful conferences, this meeting will be a time for learning, sharing, reflection and building connections.
The last conference included many moving moments as well as deeply informative presentations. The balance between serious engagement and informal discussion in this style of meeting provides a rich compost for new growth, connection and stimulation. 
Don't miss it.


We are now getting bookings, deposits and workshop proposals for the conference coming in. This is very heartening and the more we get the easier it becomes for us to do the planning of the event.

Some problems have been reported with the website which apparently does not work smoothly on all browsers. If you have any difficulty, simply send the information by e-mail to the registrar at



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