We have selected an excellent venue. The conference will take place at Kontakt der Kontinenten, which was the best conference centre we looked at. I am confident that everyone will have a very good experience there. The facilities are super and it is set in attractive grounds. The location is quite central in Netherlands, convenient for international and local attenders.
The total price is likely to work out at approx 650 euro for the full conference including full board. We are planning to set up facilities to receive payment in euros, but at this early stage bookings can be made in sterling to the main ITZI account in UK. A deposit of £175 (=200 euro) will secure a place. The bank details are
Name of account: international Zen Therapy Institute
Name of Bank: Barclays, 62-64 Lower High Street, Watford, WD17 2BT
Swiftbic: BARCGB22
IBAN: GB39BARC20917943636283
When you make a payment, please e-mail the conference registrar at natim.luna@gmail.com to confirm your booking.
We already have quite a line up of presenters from at least ten countries ensuring that this will be a truly international event. A number of the speakers are people returning from earlier conferences, which gives evidence of the success of those events. We expect the next conference to be even better.
You need to be a member of David Brazier (Eleusis) to add comments!
Yes, now we have to attract enough attenders to pay for it !!
Really you have made a great choice.The venue looks wonderful!
Thanks, Francoise. Yes, it is shaping up very well.
Wonderful David, It Looks very good!