DEMONSTRATION SESSION Client talked about fluctuating energy levels and difficulties in relationship with significant person in her current life. Therapist elicited a little of the history an
Mind/heart precedes states. Mind/heart is chief. Mind made are they. Act with impure heart, suffering follows as the wheel the hoof. Act with pure heart, blessings follow as a shadow that never leaves
Brief input on the nature and purpose of psychotherapy, distinguishing it from utilitarian counselling. Some counselling seeks simply to solve practical problems and this is useful, but psychotherapy aims to achieve a deeper cha
- Student 1 shared that she had less self-consciousness about being singled out to speak first than she would have had in the past. -> discussion about the importance of deep change and the attainment of degrees
This lecture established the importance of encounter in the Buddhist tradition. In the stories of great masters, most became enlightened as a result of an inter-personal encounter. The sutras are full of accounts of encounters
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS - Can we develop a Buddhist theory of the unconscious? - Buddhism is substantially about how to free ourselves from compulsive habits that we do not understand - Although th