Poem by Diane Cadman

This is a poem I write about my stay at La Ville au Roi,



First night in the sheep house

candle blown out,

I lie awake listening

to the walls

making no sound.


Animal antecedents are

embedded in this stone.

I feel them breathe, bellow,

stamp and scrape

the rock floor.


Birth, death and living

surround me here,

 holding me wakeful;

alert in the power 

of total blackness.


Beyond its walls

woodlands spread away

generating ever deeper

darkness of canopy,

field and thicket.


Creeping out, only my steps 

break the silence.

Above is brightness;

a black bowl of stars are

threaded on imaginary chains.


Loops of light years apart;

planets far more ancient

than sheep house walls,

are patterns to my eye,

symbols in my mind,

lanterns for my soul.

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