I do not have time,
yet time has me
What an embarrassment
that can be - my life
unfolding free, easily,
ticking along,
each day a miracle song.

I watch the clouds
hanging over the trees
and time somehow
puts up with me,
breezily at ease,
doing as I please,
with no sense of waste,
no chase, unlaced and free.

Time - you cannot hoard it.
The store is empty,
shot through with infinity.
I’m just a zero
in the vicinity.

No, I have no time,
but it has all of me;
so I apologise
to the powers that be
for having to cope with
my necessity.

I won’t be here long
messing about with
my strolling song,
and when I’m gone
time will go on
and whatever the trace
I leave, time will take it,
like love on a sleeve,
with nothing hidden,
nothing to say -
just breathe.

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