So we now have an almost completely new team at the top of British government ,with the two key posts of Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary going to people who are well-known due to the referendum campaign and being mayor of London but who have not held any high office before. The chancellor of the exchequer is an experienced and serious politician and, as with other recent regimes, one imagines that he and the PM will work closely together to shape the dominant vision. Nearly a clean sweep. So much for the idea that Teresa May is a cautious politician. Isn't that what they thought about Vladimir Putin before he got the top job?

Rather astute of her to put the Brexiters in the front line of overseas affairs. Effectively a challenge to them to come up with the goods, while Remainers on the other side of the cabinet table keep them up to the mark. Oh to be a fly on the wall! She is evidently not afraid of chairing sharp debate.

Cameron's people are mostly out. It is interesting how politics works on 'ins' and 'outs' in a way that other organisations don't. There is no leader of the opposition in a business corporation. In politics there are opposing groups even within the ruling party (as well as within the opposition). I guess that this caters for human aggressiveness and competitive spirit.

The new PM says she will favour ordinary working people. That is going to be worth watching.

Many are predicting an economic downturn due to 'uncertainty'. Really that is of little importance. What will be important is the certainties that do emerge. Will there be a free trade deal with the EU? On what terms? Will there be more trade with the USA? With the rest of the world? Will the value of the pound hold up or not? Will there be overseas investment in UK industry? Will the country become more or less efficient? More or less conflicted? More or less xenophobic? Will the union hold together?

At present, nobody knows. No doubt the new government will enjoy a honeymoon, but it will probably be quite short. In the meantime, the opposition also has to sort itself out one way or another.

Sitting here in my house in France I am hoping I shall not need a visa in the future.

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