My cooking is largely a matter of seeing what I have left in the fridge, safe and garden and putting it together one way of another. Here’s what I cooked this evening.
I aubergine, sliced
1 egg
2 or 3 cups of pasta - I’d got farfalle
3 t
The strawberries are ripening...
The strawberry patch...
Tomato plants...
And the first rose...
Read more…Deeper Processes
There can be very few instances in history in which breaking what were intended to be long term treaties with close allies and trading partners works out well. International relations, just as relations between individuals, depend up
Won't it soon be time to disband NATO? This question has been raised by a number of politicians recently, including Trump before he was elected. Since then he has come under immense pressure and in order to survive in his role has abandoned half the
Read more…Wikileaks and others have released a mountain of "secret" information onto the internet, yet the sky has not fallen in, world war three has not begun... Journalists have spent hours over these materials looking for juicy stories and there are very fe
Read more…A new crop coming
The garden and land around the house is rather demanding these days. When the sun shines there is lots to do before the next downpour. Yesterday we had a whirlwind passed through. It only lasted half and hour or so but it bent the
Read more…The new president of France, Emmanuel Macron, has chosen his government, appointing all his senior ministers. It is half women and half men. It is half experienced politicians and half people from civic society. It is drawn from the whole political s
Read more…When I was a teenager and the Cold War was at its height we were constantly hearing about the "arms race" between Russia and the USA. This battle for technological supremacy was closely related to the "space race" and the shock in the West when Russi
Read more…These days we hear a good deal about something called impeachment, often coupled with references to Richard Nixon, though Nixon was not impeached, he resigned. Different countries go about things in different ways. In France, for instance, the presid
Read more…Chapter 12
The eyes of the person gone wild on the five sights, are blind.
The ears of the person driven wild by the five cries, are deaf.
The taste of the person driven wild by th
Read more…The may flowering is now almost over so that everywhere one looks the woods are a tide of young green. This is the season of maximum new growth. One can almost see the grass rising and, first thing in the morning, in the patches of longer stems, the
Read more…Chapter 11
Thirty spokes come together at the hub;
it is the space between that makes it usable.
Mix up clay and make a pot;
it is the space inside that makes it usable.
Assemble win
Read more…Just this morning we have several major pieces of news. It is difficult to make one coherent story out of these different tremors, but one can, perhaps, see connections between the rise of populism, the increasing chaos in Washington and astute polit
Read more…Continuing commentary upon Summary of Faith and Practice
TEXT: Dwelling in this settled faith
Settled faith is anshin. An-shin literally means "the heart-mind at peace". We can speak of different modes or dimensions of faith and anshin is
Read more…Emmanuel Macron has just gained the French presidency. France had a stark choice in the last round of the election and the rest of Europe had to watch as their fate also hovered. If Le Pen had won it might well have been the end of the European Union
Read more…The Rich List has just come out, listing the richest 1000 people in the UK. To be on the list you need to be worth at least £110 million. Being a mere millionaire is nothing these days.
Money makes money. The top 20 are, together, worth just under £1
Read more…Chapter 10
專氣至柔 能 嬰兒乎
脩除玄監 能毌有疵乎
愛民栝國 能毌以知乎
天門啟闔 能為雌乎
明白四達 能毌以知乎
Unite body and soul – can you, without being dispersed?
Master the breath and be supple – can you, jus
Read more…The bell master is responsible for the meditation hall and, in the liturgy, works with the celebrant. The celebrant may specify exactly what is going to happen or may take it as it comes. The bell master fills in the gaps and keeps everything flowing
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