



Den Bosch


November 20

Tell us about yourself - at least 30 words

I am a zenteacher and the owner of Zen Centrum Den Bosch. I practise zen since 1976.I am inspired by zenmaster Ichiro Okumura, Enomiya Lassalle, Genpo Roshi, Taizen Maezumi Roshi, and the zenschool of Karlfried Dürckheim and life itself. The bookzentherapy of David Brazier is also inspiring source for me. I used it a lot when i work with my zenstudents. I am looking forward to meet David in Januari in our Zen Centrum.

How did you hear about Eleusis?

Elja, who is now living at Eleusis told me about Eleusis. I hope to visit Eleusis one day...

Is your interest...

Course leader, Group Retreats, Personal Retreat, Personal Therapy, Other - please tell us below

Other information / things you can offer

together with Anja (my wife) visiting Elja

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  • Hello, Henk. We have been reading your translation of Genjo Koan - very helpful. Hope you are having a good holiday!

  • Looking forward to meeting you, too. Warm wishes - David

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