Lewiston, UT
February 14
Tell us about yourself - at least 30 words
I am a former buddhist monk and now a spiritual teacher. I live and teach primarily in the US and India. I feel a deep affinity with the Pure Land tradition.
How did you hear about Eleusis?
David's YouTube Talk
Is your interest...
Resident community, Volunteering, Attending courses, Holiday/Recuperation, Course leader, Join Staff Team, Develop the Buildings, Gardening, Group Retreats, Personal Retreat, Personal Therapy, Support in your own part of the world, Other - please tell us below
Other information / things you can offer
I am happy to share my skills of facilitation and understanding of emotional healing.
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Welcome Nithya Shanti, if you have any questions to find your way at this website feel free to ask. Namo Amida Bu