Bodhi Day Retreat ~ Canada

Yesterday,  the Amida Mosaic Sangha celebrated Bodhi Day.  Our day included morning service, sitting meditation and chanting.  Additionally, James led us on a mindful nature walk and Nancy led us in sacred movement. We also enjoyed two Dharma talks by Dharmavidya (Bodhi Day 2014 and this years first talk).  Also, Stephen, our guest from Connecticut, shared a few words prompting a lively discussion about Honen, Shinran, other-power and self-power. It was a very rich and full day!
The highlight of the day was the Vow ceremony.  The vows offered were:  Refuge ~ Nina Grigg,    Amida-Shu ~ Stephen Greenberg and Jennifer Adam and,  Lay Order membership (Mitra's) ~ Nancy DePutter and Sally Mackenzie. Unable to join us due to distance is Staci Noble who will join Amida-shu this summer when I visit the west coast.
Love to you all!
Prajnatara IMG_2649_2.jpeg.pdf
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