David and I were talking in the car during our 12 hours traveling to Spain. As David has written (see Eleusis Daily) we talked about lots of things.
I told David how I am looking forward to meeting the people of the Amida Sangha. I still feel a deep connection with my own sangha in Den Bosch, in Holland, but I do want to be involved in the Amida Sanga and the Amida order.
I already had the wish to take refuge and I talked about it months ago with my teacher Henk in Holland, but then a lot of other matters in my life happened. ….
Like the fact that I am driving a car to Spain with a Buddhist priest next to me talking about becoming a Buddhist….
We talked about the possibility for me to take refuge in December during the Bodhi Retreat in the Malvern temple. I asked David about the ceremony and the ritual so he explained it to me. I felt that I really want to take part at this ceremony.
I am still a bit worried about my English so I said to David that I want to practise how to pronounce the words I have to say.
So David said the words and I repeat…. Three times…
I took refuge to the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha three times while a Buddhist priest was leading the ceremony in the car to Spain…
So I am a Buddhist now!
I do want to confirm my taking refuge in the retreat in Malvern, in December and I am truly looking forward to meeting more members of the sangha.
Namo Amida Bu.