My medical condition continues to be a mystery. It is clear that I do not have any of the big nasty things - brain tumour, cracked skull, stroke, etc - as these have been ruled out by MRI investigation. Nonetheless I continue to have persistent, continuous head pain that varies in intensity and I become exhausted by the least effort so that I am functioning like an invalid incapable of doing very much. There is always a possibility that the whole syndrome is a side effect of the blood thinning medication that I take to counter my lung embolisms, but a recent change of this medication has not made any difference to my symptoms and ceasing all medication might put me in a different kind of jeopardy as the embolisms can be fatal. It is also possible that the head pains could be related to a fall and head injury that I sustained at the end of February. The fall was itself the result of fainting due to lack of oxygen due to the embolisms. More fundamentally, we do not know why my body makes embolisms in the first place. I am in on-going discussion with a variety of experts and hope eventually to make some sense of it and, hopefully, find a solution. My general debility is making me less than normally productive. My faith means that I have no worries, but I would like to solve the mystery and restore my full ability to contribute to life.
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