Sign up now for the two and a quarter year training in Buddhist Psychology.

Course leader: Dr Dharmavidya David Brazier
Tutors: Dr Iris Dotan Katz (Israel),  Kimiko Nita (Japan),
Consultants: Dr Yaya de Andrade (Canada, Brazil), Nati Menendez (Spain)


A unique and in many cases life changing learning experience working with a highly talented team, to develop skills and knowledge and to contribute to the on-going development of applied Buddhist psychology.

Studying BP is one of the best ways to get more deeply into what Buddhism really means and teaches. Buddhism is a science of the mind that has developed over more than two millennia. The current BP program presents this ancient wisdom in a way adapted to contemporary relevance. The programme has been going in one form or another since the 1990s but was completely revised at the time of the pandemic when zoom became widely available. Now students are not only able to read material and do exercises in their own time, they are also able to meet in international groups and put what they are learning into practice. 

Theme: The programme presents Buddhist teachings as a psychological medium. This is not a course on using Buddhist techniques to assist Western style therapy, but rather an in-depth examination of Buddhist wisdom applied as psychology:  the spiritual path from a psychological point of view and  psychological work from a spiritual perspective. It imparts important, liberating, interpersonal skills, personal insight and develops Buddhist compassion.
Study Material: theoretical and stimulus material, mostly text, but also including audio and video items, is presented on dedicated web pages with associated experiential exercises for students to perform and report back on.
Co-operative Learning - students see and comment on each other's work. 
Seminars by zoom every two or three weeks led by staff with time for student inter-action.
Individual Tutorials.
Peer Learning  Groups. A vitally important part of the course. Students meet in international groups to practise what they are learning.
On-line Weekend Workshops three times per year (January, June & October) with lectures, case presentation, experiential groupwork and topic discussions. 
Summer School: A one week optional in-person summer school is offered in August in France every other year, alternating with the ITZI Colloquia which happen in October on the intervening year.
Classroom Units: The course is divided into six week units called "Classrooms". Spring Semesters (February-July) contain four "Classrooms".  Autumn Semesters (September-January) have three Classrooms. Each Classroom contains three topics for study. There are 16 "Classrooms" altogether. 
Content: The study materials introduce the major Buddhist teachings common to most schools of Buddhism presented as psychology, showing their applications in personal practice, interpersonal work, psychotherapy and society. The material is quite extensive and requires a minimum of three hours per week. There are no grades, but there are deadlines.
Suitable for: This is a programme for therapists who want to deepen their understanding of the Buddhist perspective,  for Buddhist practitioners wishing to learn a therapeutic and inter-personal way of applying the Buddhist teachings, and for all wishing to deepen their insight into their own lives and relationships with others.

Comments by Past Students
- Thank you so much for recommending this course, so deep and so special.
No words to describe what this all brings me

- I am very grateful to David for his endless transmission and creativity, to my fellow group members throughout the study process and to life for giving me the opportunity to experience all this. I'm still on the path, 
- There is a strong support for our group and all that we had experienced together and the trust and friendship that had built between us and allowed us to share many parts of our lives that we would not or could not share with other people. We all agreed to continue after the course has finished and were grateful to Dharmavidya for all we had learned.

- We felt immense gratitude towards Dharmavidya for bringing all of us together, to the tutors for their guidance and sharing, for the life-changing course and for our beloved PLG group. We all reiterated the importance of the PLG group not only for the purpose of exercises and the course but also how it has helped and supported all of us in our journey and matters of life.
- My beautiful colleagues have said how very grateful we are. We will continue on this path and with the new society as well. Thank you all very much and the great opportunity. As I said at the meeting, it is a very noble gesture to form groups and contact people from so many different places and countries. an incredible and great intention to help. 
Time Zones: Students come from many countries and zones. Seminars are generally repeated morning and evening European time so as to provide options.


Dr David Brazier, psychotherapist and Buddhist teacher, author of  sixteen books including Zen Therapy and many other writings. Co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Meditation. English, living in France.
Dr. Iris Dotan Katz, clinical psychologist with a private practice in Tel Aviv has many years of experience in Zen and Pureland Buddhism and in socially engaged action and peacemaking.
Kimiko Nita, clinical psychologist, specialises in work with children and young adults, has a private practice for adult clients in Tokyo, and a special interest in Naikan therapy. 

Dr. Yaya de Andrade, Canadian retired psychologist, originally from Brazil, worked in Vancouver  40+ years. Special interest: working with refugees, indigenous peoples, and groups recovering from traumatic circumstances, wars and major disasters around the world. She lives near Toronto.
Natividad Menendez, counsellor and focussing practitioner, based in Spain.
Dr. Priti Vaishnav, from India, who has extensive experience in working in areas of social distress around the world offers administrative support

Fees:  £230 per semester (equivalent to £1035 for the whole course over two years and three months).

To Apply: The next intake is for 1st February 2025.
Please supply: You full name, Date of birth. Phone. Street address. E-mail address. Your highest academic/professional qualifications. Details of your background in Buddhism (if any). Details of your background in psychology/therapy (if any). Your reasons for interest in the course.
Send to Jisshas <>

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