This is a training period in Zen-Amidist style for those interested in Dharma ministry, intensifying practice, clarifying vocation, contributing to the life of the Amida community and the wider sangha at Eleusis, back in one's own location and/or internationally. It provides an introduction pitched at the level of the individual seeker. The time will include meditation, chanting, ceremonial, work on the land, community life, personal exploration, spiritual guidance and Dharma teaching. This is suitable both for persons wishing to go deeper into Buddhist practice, aspiring to ministry, considering volunteering on an Amida project, or progressing in the Amida sangha as well as for those who, being broadly sympathetic to Buddhistic ideas, are interested in exploring a practical mysticism experientially through their own life.
Yes, can't do everything - busy people :-) Namo Amida Bu