Fridays we go to Oasis. This morning Patrick had placed a lovely magnolia flower on the table beside where I sit in the meditation hall, so when it came time to give my Dharma talk, I talked about beauty,  impermanence and the fragility of life and also how perceiving this naturally gives rise to gentleness and caring. We see one another are fairly solid, but we are all vulnerable and fragile. While I spoke, Tara the kitten was curled up beside me against the cushion. Afterwards she came out onto the terrace while we drank tea and had a confrontation with the chickens. They must seem like great dinosaurs to her.

In the afternoon, I continued writing, Elja made chutney in pretty pots and Adam worked on re-treating the wood of our stare shed. We are expecting two visitors from Spain to arrive later which will make us into an even more international community.

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