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  • Eleusis is a special place for those of us who are blessed with the fortitude of knowing David, as a teacher and a friend. He embodies the ideal of those who want to help others ...carrying a flash light to make the path easier to follow...and the wide scope of his words is now be reflected in so many places, beyond Eleusis....Global Sangha is the demonstration of the meaning of his life.Namo Amida Bu
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Sitting under the walnut tree I watch the full moon rising. The sun has set, the birds are settling, night is on the way. A great peace enfolds. Under the tree, daffodils shine amidst a carpet of wild spring flowers. I sip my tea and ponder. Yesterday I was in the supermarket when it occurred to me that I was probably the happiest man in the shop: people carry around such a bundle of cares. Humankind has become trapped in a golden cage of its own making; the simple pleasures have slipped away.…

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Today I did not set eyes upon another human being all day. That is not an unusual occurrence here. Life as a hermit is quiet. Sometimes my mind become very quiet in the midst of ll this tranquility. Nonetheless, I do like to keep abreast opf what is going on in the world and this morning I wrote a short p[iece about current affairs. Then, after coffee, I went out to do some work in the garden. My hands are now tingling from stings and small wounds as I spent most of the rest of the day weeding…

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After two months in Italy, teaching and learning, it was good to get back to La Ville au Roi and see that the walls and roof were still in place and nature had not completely taken over. Then, almost immediately, I had a trip to Belgium and Netherlands to see sangha and friends there - some very fine meetings. Now I'm settled here for a little time in LVAR. It is jolly cold outside these days and I'm getting through quite a bit of wood in the stoves. Nice to have a hot cuppa too. But I'm also…

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Sometimes i think that I have been travelling all my life. This is somewhat true, both literally and metaphorically. The endless spiritual journey takes one to ever new domains of life-meaning, especially if one is willing to take the risks that pop up along the way. However, I have also always been a traveller in the literal sense too. Yet, because of my ill health, I had about 16 months of hardly travelling at all and enjoyed a settled life at my hermitage in France. Then in August this year…

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