I've been cleaning out my room - a slow job in which it gets worse before it gets better. The trouble is that one finds interesting things and spends time browsing them rather than getting on with the job - but then, that is half the fun. Enjoy life. For instance, it was interesting finding this picture of my son and myself about 20 years ago working on what is now the meditation hall. You can see quite a bit of light coming in through the roof.

Eventually, we got the roof off completely...

I was rather proud of this latter moment. I managed to bring down all that timber with one move of my crowbar. All the beams were held in place by gravity and shifting the right one at just the right place brought the whole lot down. There was a tremendous crash which brought everybody out from the other building to see what had happened, including the person who took this picture. Fortunately we did not have anybody obsessing about health and safety at the time.

When I think that a few years earlier when I first came to this place i got vertigo even from going heights of a couple of metres, i am pleased that by this time i had overcome my phobia - as you can see. It is amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it.

Doing the destructive part is simpler than the construction so we got a professional builder in to put on a new roof which you can see beyond the rose on this more recent picture.

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