FRIDAY 11 Mar ~ Sunshine

At breakfast we discussed the issues of teacher and disciple. Adam had memories of previous discussions here on similar topics from a couple of years ago. Elja was pleased to see that there have been some good responses to her article which also appears on this site as a blog. She submitted a translation of one of my writings to an on-line magazine in Netherlands and they published it.

I wrote the Daily Teaching and then went out to do some work in the field. Adam came and joined me. The sun came out. It was all very pleasant. We have a field from which we are gradually eliminating the secondary growth of blackthorn. This is good work for me at the moment. All I have to do is sit in the grass and snip the stems of the small invading thorn bushes and throw them in a heap. Then, from time to time, for a change of occupation, I do a bit of strimming, cutting the grass. Light work that keeps me in the fresh air and sunshine. Adam moves the heaps and works on the tougher undergrowth. After a bit Elja arrived with refreshments. We sat in the sunshine and ate our snack and then chanted for a short while together.

In the evening we had a fine leek pie that Elja had made. All in all a pleasant and simple day.

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