FRIDAY 3 June ~ No Need for the Ark Just Yet

The rain has finally stopped. Hurrah! Everywhere is still sodden. I expect that the water will gradually go down now. I swear the grass has grown inches in the last three days. Most of the plants seem happy enough. There are a lot of buds on the roses and a few blooms already. Fortunately we here at La Ville au Roi are on a rise in the land and so above the worst flooding.

I had a day off from writing and spent more time on carpentry. Progress is very slow when one is not expert. Sometimes I have to redo things and gradually one learns different ways of getting things done. When I have a project in hand, I break it up in my mind into steps. Then if I achieve one of them in a sessions, there is a sense of satisfaction. It might not be much, but little by little this stepwise progression mounts up and one starts to see a difference and new possibilities. Along the way one is learning. Working with wood (or any other inanimate medium) one is encountering the 'other power' of the natural world. One has to reckon with the qualities and characteristics of the material and the tools that one has to hand. It requires appropriate effort and quite a bit of reflection. By the end of a session I am pleasantly fatigued. Very nice that I can come in to a hot shower followed by a meal made by Adam.

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