MONDAY 22 Aug ~ Tara Gets a Passport

This morning I took Tara to the vet in Ainay le Chateau. She is fairly used to being in the car now and sits on top of the seat backs so she can see out or stretches herself out along the back of my neck across my shoulders. We had to stay in the vet's waiting room for a while and Tara stayed in her basket, peeping out at the big black dog on the other side of the room. I gave her a lot of strokes.

When our turn came the vet was very good with her and she was also quite cooperative. The vet let her explore the surgery room - a precaution that she likes to undertake whenever she goes somehwere new.  Cats are well provided with self-preservative instincts.

Today she had  her chip installed, so she now has a number (as a 'domestic carnivore'). She was also inoculated against 4 diseases. She must go back on 22 September for further innoculations. She will then be able to travel to Belgium and Netherlands on her passport. For UK there is an extra requirement and she will need to see a vet between 5 and 2 days before travel. She also had a treatment against fleas and worms. She took it all very well.

Now we are back home and she is rather sleepy as the vet told me she would be as her body incorporates the various protective vaccines.

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  • brave Tara...  miss her.... give her lots of strokes from me...

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