MONDAY 30 May ~ The Nurse and the Carpenter

My days all follow a pattern at the moment: writing in the morning and practical work in the afternoon. However, the weather has no such routine and after a few days of summer we are back into wind and rain in some quantity.

Another routine is that, this being the last Monday of the month, it is the day when the nurse comes and takes a sample of my blood to send off to the lab to see how my treatment is going. I'll get the results in a couple of days.

Then the postman came with two little packages of reading material - some old monographs of mine sent on by Sujatin - thank you very much - and a copy of a book I like, my old copy having gone astray. This is the book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by my first teacher Chogyam Trungpa.

Then, in the morning, I set about completely rewriting one of the sections of my book draft, having had a new insight about it overnight. I think I am really writing this book in my sleep and just spending the mornings putting the results of my slumbers into the computer.

Each day at the moment I check in with Elja a couple of time to see how she is progressing. It is good to see her in good spirits after her much bigger than expected operation. Tomorrow she will be out of hospital and will move to the rehabilitation hotel.

Then in the afternoon I continued my woodworking project in the big barn. It is also good spiritual practice. There are problems to solve and everything has to be done in a methodical and unhurried way. Sometimes one makes mistakes and has to undo work. Some tasks take a lot of persistence. I have never been trained in carpentry, but I did watch my father many years ago. There is a satisfaction in the continuity between father and son even if I will never have skills on a par with his.

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  • yes to be a good carpenter is quite a job... before you know it you saw to much of it...  Nice picture :-) <3

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