SATURDAY 1 Oct ~ Rain makes the flowers grow

Well, almost a week has gone by since the last Daily. Life goes on in its wonderful wandering way.


This past week has seen a marked change in the weather. The early part of the week was hot, then it became overcast though still warm and then, last night, we had a major storm with thunder and lightening and torrential rain that was still falling heavily when we got up this morning. The changing seasons are an endless delight. We live close to nature. Having created a refectory space in the big barn means that one can eat meals in shelter yet still be very close to the elements. Before we had to choose eating outside or in the upper room. The upper room can feel cozy, but very much shut in, whereas outside can be hazardous when rain threatens. This morning we sat and ate breakfast watching the rain that continued to fall just a short distance away.


The fact that we now spend more time in the refectory has changed our perspective. What used to be definitely the "back" of the house is now much more in view and accessible and we are gradually improving that side of the house. Looking at the lawn and rose garden it is hard to remember the sea of shoulder high nettles that used to cover this area eighteen months ago. Day to day one sees only slight changes, but the cumulative effect is considerable. Being here teaches one patience and perseverance  in a good way. Along with the roses we now have some wonderful dahlia blooms.

Tara's Adventures

Tara is continuing the adventure of growing up. She is not yet on heat but a large neighbouring tom cat appears regularly at the end of our lane and watches. Sometimes he comes onto our property, but I think that at the moment his main aim is to steal the cat food. The other day, Tara climbed onto one of the outhouse roofs and down into the neighbour's yard. Fortunately their dog was not in evidence. However, once in she could not get out and I could not reach her. It was getting dark. In the end, Adam climbed over the locked gate and we retrieved her. She is getting to be quite an adventurer and is already very good at climbing trees.

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