This morning first thing was bright and clear and Elja got me to go out for a walk to collect some daffodils from the area of the Eirene shrine. Then we walked back and I was feeling OK so we went on to visit the Demeter and Artemis shrines as well, so that in all I walked more than twice as far as yesterday which was another small milestone. En route, I noticed that there has been so much rain recently that our pond, which is usually almost empty, is nearly full. I had a little rest when i got back.
Storm It was as well we had got out early because rain started and the wind got up. It increased rapidly. About midday Susthama and Damian arrived from England with little Selena and Dorian. after the long drive, they had spent the night at Oasis. However, by this time the storm had reach ferocious proportions and they had to sit in the car for some time before the wind dropped enough to allow them to cross the yard to the house.
It was lovely to see them and spend the day together. As our car is out of action at the moment, Susthama took Elja into town and they did some food shopping. Adam made bread. Later a wonderful curry was made and we all sat down to dinner together. So now, temporarily, we are a little community of five adults and two infants.
My life is, of course, still dominated by my medical condition, but each day sees small steps in the right direction. As I am restricted to light tasks, I was sorting through some old papers today and came across a stack of mementoes of my children when they were little including some of their drawings, letters, postcards, photos and the odd school report. Charming nostalgia: everything from scribbled infant notes, through requests for more pocket money to teenage lists of personal problems. The picture shows a calendar made for me for the year 1986, so probably made at Xmas 1985. Very touching to reminisce.