SATURDAY 17 Sept ~ Writing, Reading, Working

It now seems definitely to be autumn. Misty mornings. Cool weather that feels cold by comparison with what went before. Interesting how one forgets what winter felt like. There is little to write about in terms of activity here. All goes on as usual. I spend part of the day writing and part working on some practical project. Adam divides his time between practical jobs, internet meetings, reading and walking. Elja between editing work and making preserves in the kitchen. Tara the kitten spend as much time as possible curled up on somebody's lap, usually mine. She follows me around rather devotedly unless somebody else is offering more food or warmth.

In my writing I have now worked through all the comments by various readers of my manuscript and am in process of producing a glossary. Then the job will be more or less done and I will have to try to find a publisher for it. Writing is (a) quite a big job requiring dedicated application, (b) a kind of auto-therapy and developer of one's thinking, and (c) often a good entry to interesting interaction with other writers and interested people in the field. This book has certainly advanced my thinking and deepened my understanding of Dogen, his times and his approach to life and religion.

Between times I have started reading another Iris Murdoch novel. I'll give some comment on it when I've got a bit further.

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