Today I was tidying up a bit in the attic. In one of the boxes I found some wool and knitting needles. I like knitting, the simple repeating movement of the needles, nothing complicated, no thinking necessary. Later, this afternoon, I found myself cosily knitting in the kitchen while Adam was making apple crumble and David was working behind his laptop at the kitchen table with the smell of cinnamon and the warmth of the woodstove behind me - no reason at all to leave the kitchen today.
While I was knitting, David read out loud his writing on the Eleusis site When is the Pureland?. If he had asked me “Where is the Pureland?” I would probably said to him in this moment; Well, here in the kitchen, between the apple crumble and the woodstove. We talked about his writing and I had several questions: you can read about it in Questions of the Sand.
Winter and spring are having a dispute again. These coming nights are frosty. Tonight I will close the day with my knitting needles, watching the flames in the woodstove.