SATURDAY 9 July ~ A Gloriously Hot Day

'Orage' is the French word for a storm, especially the kind of rather dramatic, short, thunder and lightning storms that occur during high pressure periods in summer, punctuating the build up of' la grand challeur' (the big heat) that goes on from day to day, each a bit hotter than the one before. We seem to be into such a cycle now so I'm expecting an orage any day now, but not today. today has been a gloriously sunny day in which one came out in quite a sweat when working inside the barn and it was even hotter outside.

I have gone back to the job of laying flooring in the upstairs of the barn, as having more storage area is something of a priority, releasing other areas for domestic purposes. It is hard work and a slow job using 18 mm composite boards, slightly thicker than the supplier recommended as sufficient, which means stronger but heavier.

Tara comes to 'assist'. Sometimes I take her up with me, sometimes she plays below - she cannot manage the ladder so it is one or the other. She scampers about exploring a thousand things. It is a great delight watching a young intelligent creature finding out about the world and mentally mapping it all, probably in a rather different way to ourselves - smells being high priority - but with the curiosity of an infant. Later, no doubt, she will be as uncurious as any adult who thinks they know what is what.

However, the novelty that has not yet has time to wear off is our use of the central section of the barn as an eating area or 'cafe'. We have moved our wooden picnic bench tables into it. Two of them together provide a fine communal dining table. My original idea had been circular cafe tables, but people prefer to eat together at one table. We sit amidst the high stone walls and on hot days it is a delight that there is a gentle through breeze. The high ceiling also contributes to the welcome cool.

Garden Sofa
We have moved an old iron sofa out of our room. It was taking up a lot of space in the room but it now makes a perfect garden seat. Of course, being outside, it will gradually decay and eventually find its way to the tip, but, for now, it is very nice to be able to relax on a sofa in the open air with a cup of tea on a hot day.

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