We have already left the temple in Malvern. We are slowly traveling towards Eleusis, but first we will spend some time in Belgium and Holland. I am looking back to a very special week on the Bodhi retreat.
It is not easy to catch in a few words what I have experienced. I met a lot of new people, I made new friends. I took part of a lot of new special ceremonies. I chanted for many hours hundreds of ‘Namo Amida Bu’.
I have fallen into the heart of the Amdia Sangha, a special sangha with colourful (not only in their clothes) warm, alive and creative members. And, yes, a little bit odd too. I have this sense that the spirit of this sangha is a quiet original, ‘alternative’ and liberating.
We ended the Bodhi retreat this morning with a very special ceremony: the ordination as a gankonin of Lut, one of our sangha members – a step on the way of a Buddhist Minister. She also received her Buddhist name today. It was a wonderful.