SUNDAY 21 Feb ~ Sunshine at Last

Today has felt like the first spring day. We have had periods of warm sunshine and it has been he first day of the year in which we have had our coffee break outdoors and have not lit a fire in our bedroom. The warmer weather has brought new activity in the garden.

As usual these days I divided my own time between some outdoor activity, mostly cutting grass which is not too arduous with the strimmer, and more sedentary time during which I finalised the essay that appears as today's Daily Teaching - Does the Dharma Need Up-dating?

Adam has been out in the woods and brought in logs and branches and much has now been cut up  so if the weather does turn cold again we are well stocked.

Research into diet continues. This evening we had an excellent beetroot soup made from our own beets. It seems that beetroot is good for increasing the oxygenation of the blood.

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