SUNDAY 3 Apr ~ Visitors, Ceremony & Bee Hives

This morning we had another joint service with Oasis, but his time they came here. A very nice event. In the talk I talked about how we are all mirror's of the Light of All the Buddhas.

When we came out of the ceremony hall there was warm sunshine. We had coffee outside. While we are getting engrossed in conversation our neighbour Robert and his wife Lesley also arrived. They brought the two bee hives. We had quite a coffee party and ate the last of the brownie cake that Adam made.

After they had all gone we found a spot for the bee hives. They need to face south or south east but not be in full sun all the time. Also not too close to nor too far away from the house. All we need now is some bees.

I had just got in from this work when it started to thunder and rain poured down.

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