Thursday 11 Aug ~ Country Life


Yesterday I went to the doctor. I was not able to see my own as she was on holiday. The locum was quite thorough and evidently more worried about my heart than my lungs. She gave me a renewed prescription and a letter to cover if I need to go to hospital again any time soon.


It was Wednesday so we had all come into town, it being market day. We browsed and drank coffee. The market in Sancoins is always colourful and, at this time of year, extensive and crowded, filling all the central areas of the town. A pleasant morning.


Back at Eleusis yesterday and today I have been gradually removing things from the big barn. All the things that relate to gardening can now go into the new metal shed as Yvette and I have installed shelving units. It is satisfying to have everything in one place. There are also a lot of roof tiles that have to be stacked outside which is quite a lot of work. Eventually we shall cover them with a tarpaulin against the winter weather. Tidying up in this way one finds all manner of things hat had been stored away long ago. Two sun loungers that appeared today have been well received.


I have made more progress with my book. I now have a complete manuscript which feels to be quite an achievement. Next job will be to create a detailed table of contects. This will enable me to see the whole structure more clearly. That, of course, may reveal further need for adjustments here and there as repetitions or redundancies are revealed.


My practice is to accept what comes and fulfil whatever it offers. This year is a kind of sabbatical in that it takes me out of what had been my normal pattern of travelling and teaching. However, this round of country life is now my 'pattern'. Each day brings its duties and ends, as often as not, with a fine sunset. Today the sky was full of ink clouds gathered around the half moon.

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