One of Those Mornings
Today I decided to make mulch to put around the roses that were planted the other day in order to give them some frost protection. In the morning i shredded all the blackthorn and rose cuttings that had been lying in a heap in the yard for some weeks. It was, however, not sufficient. I was just feeling a bit daunted by the task ahead when Elja said that the pump that drains water away from the washing machine was not working. I interrupted my other work and took the pump and hose apart and ascertained that there was nothing wrong with the pump. I did this by switching it on without the hose attached. It threw a large quantity of water all over me very efficiently, thus making the point. Having now been daunted, interrupted and drenched, i was not feeling my best. I decided to try attaching a new hose to the pump which i did with some difficulty. However, again, the pump switched on but no water emerged from the hose. I have still not solved this conundrum. I decided to take the new hose off the pump. However, while doing so I applied too much force and managed to damage the connection between pump and hose. I shall have to see if i can get a replacement when the shops open after New year. By now I was definitely in need of Amida’s grace.

Better Afternoon
I went back to the outdoor work. I set to to do another job that has been hovering which was to prune the apple trees. This should provide a sufficient quantity of sticks to chip to provide the mulch I needed. December is supposed to be the right time to prune apple trees because they are supposed to be completely dormant by now. With this year’s exceptional weather, however, our trees already have some buds, so it was difficult to be sure of the right course of action. Well, i did my best. It was quite a big job doing the pruning, carrying the cut material over to the yard and putting it all through the shredder, then taking it in wheel barrow loads to the other side of the buildings to where the roses are. However, the job got done as the sun was going down. I was rewarded with another wonderful Amida sunset and the sight of my roses all tucked up under a thick cover of wood chip mulch. After a bit of time spent clearing up, i was soon back in the warm.

Celebrating the Coming of the New Year
We had dinner and then went out into the night. It was a clear sky with many stars but as we are past full moon the moon rises late now and it was very dark. We gathered together materials and in the blackness built a fire to Demeter in celebration of the year gone by. When we lit it and the flames curled upward it was quite wonderful in such deep darkness. We stood and watched the sacred patterns forming and reforming. In the fire is burned up all that is to be left behind. In the rising smoke and flame ascend all our prayers and hopes, invocations and dedications.

Then, after some more refreshments, we went to the Buddha hall. We lit a lot of candles and here again there was a wonderful, yet different, atmosphere. The calm of the Buddha presides and we hope for peace in the year to come, for the world and for ourselves. We chanted nembutsu and rang bells. As we reached the traditional 108 chimes, we heard the fireworks in neighbouring villages announcing the entrance of the New Year.

For each of us personally, the year past has been one of change but also of consolidation. For the Amida Sangha, likewise, with the setting up of a new temple. In England and in France, the Order now seems established on firm ground. Paen Demeter. Namo Amida.

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