THURSDAY 9 June ~ First day of watering

Today I was outdoors most of the day and my major achievement was to weed the strawberry patch. Disentangling strawberry plants from the little creeper that grows among them, twining itself around their stems, is quite a fiddly task. I also sent a large number of snails to more distant parts. There seemed to be one snail sitting beside each strawberry plant, patiently waiting for fruit to ripen. Eventually i got the job done and added some mulch and, as I had disrupted the plants, I decided to water the bed. It had been a hot day. So today was the first day of getting the watering hose out. For good measure, I watered the rose garden as well.

The spring has been one of the wettest ever. Some of the trees have benefitted. Our horse chestnut is looking very fine. Also, the trees from which we cut away ivy earlier in the year are generally all looking very well. It is nice to see Nature blooming.

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