TUESDAY 2 FEB; Writing from David

So here I am, in hospital. It is not so different from being in a monastery. There is a routine, even ascetic practices, like regularly having needles stuck in one in a variety of places, plus the odd unexpected extra one to test one's equanimity. For the first few days I was confined to bed with tubes and wires everywhere, but now have a bit more freedom. When one loses something one appreciates it more. One marks little steps, like the day when I was able to wash myself in the morning, then the day I was allowed out of bed as far as the toilet. When you have had to struggle with bed pans, sitting on a toilet seat suddenly appears as a great luxury. Now that I am allowed out of bed, I can go a short distance down the corridor and do walking meditation in a rather deserted area at the far end of this floor.


Elja has been a superb support. Each day she brings me all the messages received from all my friends around the world, a change of books and extra food treats. I am very touched by all the messages. Lying in bed one loses strength, so I feel tired a lot of the time and it is difficult to distinguish what is a symptom of the illness from what is loss from non-use. The doctor here gives me confidence and I now am familiar with several nursing teams who take their turns. I feel a lot of gratitude for the wonders of modern medicine, even for the injections! Having had a bad experience as a child I was left with something of a phobia for the needle, so I have been working on overcoming it here. Faith and practice are a great thing. I see the struggles of other patients.


I can already see that this event is going to force a change in my lifestyle. Travelling is going to be mostly limited to the range of the local supermarket for the foreseeable future, which may mean a year or so, so my past speculations about spending more time at Eleusis and less in airports have come to pass. There is quite a bit we still do not know, like the root cause of the problem. The doc says we might never know, but at least we have the treatment – a positive philosophy. Right now I'm waiting for the results of several tests. If the results are good I should be out of hospital on Friday with a domiciliary treatment plan. If not, then I'll be here a while longer.

Much love to all my friends. Thank you for the thoughts, good wishes and support. Namo Amida Bu.

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  • Thank you for sharing this. I hope the results of the tests mean you can return soon to Eleusis sending you much love modgala Namo amida Bu

  • David , lovely you are writing again . I've missed yr posts. I'm so happy you are well enough to do this. Everyone has so
    Much love for you .. Me included . Keep progressing day by day. Thank you Elija for keeping everyone updated .
    Much love . Josephine jones
  • What a difference a week makes.  It is so good to read this and to know you may soon return home. Our sangha meets tonight. We will be sending you much love.  namo amida bu.

  • Good to hear you, read you Dharmavidya. As always your words touch me deeply. Wishing you well and also all my love to Elja - it is indeed something to look after someone who is ill, in a country which is not home and where one does not speak the language. Namo Amida Bu

  • Dear David

    I'm very happy to know that you get better and I really hope you will leave the hospital as soon as possible. I wish you a very fast and complete healing......Namo Amida Bu. 

  • David- Am thinking of you and wishing you the very best in the realm of recovery and rehab! Sending much love and peace, Amaya

  • It's good to read this. I have more messages that I'll email Elja later - there are a lot of people who love you and hold you in high regard, Dharmavidya! Name Amida Bu

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