TUESDAY 29 Mar ~ Koan Coffee Ivy & Sunset

Some snapshots of my day…

Waking up with a head full of Genjo Koan and Dogen. Getting up and typing on my laptop, still in pyjamas and dressing gown.

Eating breakfast around the kitchen table. Toasting Adam’s delicious home made bread, to eat with plum jam and cinnamon. Discussing the situation in Brussels and the motives of suicide bombers.

Seeing the car of the nurse arrive. Chatting in French. Baring my arm for the needle - I’m used to it now. 

Writing the Daily Teaching.

Drinking coffee outside with Adam and Elja. Watching the wild birds. Discussing the day's work. Adam is moving his room.

Back to Dogen. Intensely studying the Japanese text. Comparing the renderings of other translators - wondering at the differences. Wondering what was the man himself like. Realising I am going to have to rewrite 3000 words or so this morning. Breaking for a snack of cheese and oakcakes and fruit.

Out in the woods, opening a short passage to a natural glade. Cutting ivy, rescuing great oak trees. Making my way through the gnarled trunks in the Enchanted Wood. Finding the serpentine path down to the Dance Circle. Hearing cries calling me to dinner.  Eating a delicious meal cooked by Elja full of tasty spices. Washing up in the open air.

In evening service looking out at the pink light of dusk falling upon the pinker blossom of the peach tree. Enjoying the silence of the candle lit hall.

Gazing at the sky streaked with colour.

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