WEDNESDAY 20 July ~ In the Lap of the Gods

It is a considerable satisfaction to see progress in our projects here. The fact that we now have more space and flexibility in the use of the buildings affords a considerable improvement. I find myself continuing to marvel at what has already been accomplished. Some of this is a reflection of my own lack of confidence in such matters. I've always been more of an intellectual and getting things done with wood and tile has, for most of my life, been something of a mystery, albeit one that my father knew well. Perhaps the old blood is coming to the surface now.

It seems a near miracle that I have managed, with some assistance, to put in a floor in the big barn. I am impressed by what others have done too. All in all there is already a lot achieved. This all forms part of a much longer gradually evolving vision for continuing development.

In doing all this kind of work one has in mind the comfort and utility of visitors and future residents. Of course, this is purely speculative. Perhaps there will be few if any. Perhaps many. One simply does not know. In bringing Dharma into the world, sometimes many people come to hear and sometimes few. It is in the hands of the gods. This is the kind of attitude one needs here - to do the best one can and leave the outcome in the hands of the gods.

Meanwhile other gods are decorating our gardens with beautiful petals and yielding some good vegetables. Each evening we watch the hedgehogs and day by day our little cat gets bigger. We keep singing the praises of Buddha and a fine kind of life goes on.

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  • Thanks, Gayre. Yes, I know what you mean.

  • Hello David

    I like your occasional references to your father

    My own relationship with my own father was always distant....a little mistrustful, for which, in one way or another I need to own as at least in part, my own doing.

    He has been dead for twenty years. He walks with me every day


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