WEDNESDAY 25 May ~ More Bees & Mixed News

Second Hive of Bees

Yesterday evening Robert arrived with the news that he had been phoned buy a family that had a bee swarm in their garden in a neighbouring village. Did I want to go with him? This was certainly an experience I did not want to miss. We drove their in his van. The journey was a bit taxing for me, but we soon arrived. We met the family and they showed us the swarm - a seething mass of little brown bodies huddled in a ball shape on the branch of a small coniferous hedge plant. We went back to the van and kitted up. I do not have a proper bee suit, but borrowed a bee-keeper's hat to keep them off my face and wore gloves and a thick jacket. We took a box with a meshed air hole and placed it under the swarm. Robert then cut the small branch and the swarm fell into the box. The lid was on in a trice and the bees were captured. Easy, so far. It is a bit more tricky at the other end. When we got them home we had to get them into the vacant hive. This basically means up-ending the box and shaking them out. However, by this time they were more upset and fly around in a great swarm. So long as the queen does go into the hive all the others will follow soon after, but for a short time there is pandemonium. I sustained one sting from a bee that somehow got inside my trouser leg. However, they all went in and I hope they will be happy in their new abode.

Hospital News

Elja had a small setback in that she tried to go to the toilet and en route passed out. This was probably due to low blood count. She was taken to X-ray afterwards to make sure no further damage had been sustained by the leg bone or her new metal hip. Today she is receiving some transfused blood which should make her feel better. There have been more discussions about what went wrong in the operation and there is a possibility that she may need more surgery. We are hoping that this is not the case. i all depends on whether the wrongly cut bone knits otgether again satisfactorily. There could be a very wide range of outcomes from this process and we have to hope that as she is in the prime of life her own healing capacity will carry her through. All your good wishes are very much appreciated. Namo Buddhaya,

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  • Please do take care with the bees and get a suit soon. And oh how I feel for Elja she needs to take care too. much love to you both

  • The red flowers on the left at geraniums

  • No, my camera is nowhere to be found.

  • Poor you. big kiss! :-) did you found you camera again?

    David Brazier said:

    Those bees can be mean...


  • Ah the rose garden looks complete new now, with more roses? Or are the red ones geraniums? I can't see it.
    Jnanamati said:



  • Those bees can be mean...


  • 9108763496?profile=original

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