WEDNESDAY 27th Apr ~ Lots to do

Wednesday is market day in Sancoins. We went in and did some shopping and errands.Adam tried out his French in the supermarket while I tried out mine in the insurance office.

Back at the house there are always a number of projects on the go. This means that one can vary one's occupation. On the other hand, this also means that it takes a long time for jobs to get finished. One does part of a job and then the next day part of another one and so on. Every so often a job comes to completion and it comes as something of a surprise. At the moment the priorities are patches of the garden to dig, grass to cut, walls to lime, concrete slabs to lay, blackthorn to cut, and flower beds to weed.

For reasons I don't fully understand, I find being in the car, even for short journeys quite challenging, as if I am overcome with a kind of lethargy. This must somehow be connected wityh my lung condition, but I don't understand how. Tomorrow we have to attempt a longer journey as I am to go and see the heart specialist in Cleremont Ferrand. I am rather daunted by the prospect of the journey. I expect we hall take plenty of stops on the way.

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  • Thinking of you David and Adam too. Hope you are having some fun too during the journey. Eat a pain au raisin for me in a nice cafe during the journey. (And make some nice pictures for the daily. Now I have a picture in my head of David making prostrations beside the road....)

  • :-)
  • Thank you Josephine, Jayata and Carol. Prostrations all the way to Claremont Ferrand might cure me - you never know :-). As for getting the flue swept, we have it done every year. Yes the weather is a bit challenging at the moment - very chilly first thing in the mornings, though we have had some lovely afternoons. "Better to be silly and alive" - well, they are much the same thing, I think.

  • Please take care on your journey. Let Adam drive and try tucking yourself into the back seat with a good pillow behind your head and then your feet up on the seat. Failing this, push your seat back as far as it will go and put your feet up on the dash. Not so dignified but who gives a s___. Better to be silly and alive, I say. For good measure stop every 12-15 minutes and do three prostrations by the side of the road while watching out for cars

    Namo Amida Bu,

    Somebody's mother
  • Ah I see looked like you were laying more slabs at front . I am fine just house management and chores you know all about that . Got to have my flue swept (sounds painful) as smoky room. All trials and tribulations of life in France . Time just goes on gardening mostly but the weather not been very kind . Take care of yrself and give us your medical news. Hope journey not to stressful .
    Much love X
  • I hope your journey and appointment with the heart specialist go well tomorrow.
    with much love Jayata
    Namo Amida Bu

  • No, none at the front. Still on the same site. We have just bought another consignment so that we can extend the area. Coming on bit by bit. Hope you are well.

  • Good luck with that journey David . I hope you will
    Be accompanied . Patio laying is coming along nicely .. Looks like you are laying slabs at the front of house am I correct? Soon be big enough for shed . Well done . Keep up the good work . X
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