On Wednesday we often go to market in Sancoins, the nearest market town. This week I stayed home for the morning and most of the group went to town. While there they picked up things for a picnic and in the afternoon we all went to St Bonnet, a picturesque village with a swimming beach on the lake. Our friend Derek lives nearby and I spent some time with him discussing the unfolding political situation while others went swimming. We watched some of PM question time in the UK parliament and also the press conference of Tony Blair. These are quite remarkable times politically. The revelations of the Chilcot Enquiry will, no doubt, have repercussions for some time to come. One has to be very attentive to keep up with all that is happening, and sharp to see connections. The horrific bombings in Baghdad add force to the debate about the invasion of Iraq. The recent attempts to unseat Jeremy Corbyn can be seen as an attempt to silence him before the Chilcot Enquiry got published. And so on. We had some discussions, not agreeing about everything. The last questioner of Tony Blair suggested that all the current issues are connected in the sense that the Brexit vote was an expression of distrust in politicians and that that distrust, at current high levels, started with people's feelings about being deceived over the Iraq War. Perhaps so. So it has been a strangely mixed day of, on the one hand, intense discussions about deeply serious issues and, on the other, relaxing in the sunshine on the beach or strolling through the beauty of the forest.
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