WEDNESDAY 9 Mar; Sociable Chickens

Today we had to be in town to make appointments with the doctor and dentist. I saw a nice flower shop which I thought was very typically French style, and went in to buy something pretty for our beloved friend Annette – I think her nickname should be 'Flores Nightingale', because she is always helping others - as she has not been well the last couple of days. Later in the day we visited her. We drank some tea together and had a nice chat.

Annette has some wonderful chickens who live in the garden of Oasis. These ladies are full of confidence and walk around quite proudly. They are curious and like to join the conversation. Very soon they were peeping through the window and tick-ticking with their beaks against the glass.

I had the impression they wanted to drink a cup of tea with us, but I seems to be the only one who had this impression.

It was nice to see Annette.  

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